List of products by brand Pathfinder
Pathfinder: Outdoor gear for Outdoor people
A beautiful brand focused mainly on Bushcraft activities for outdoor people that originated in America. With almost 40 years of outdoor experience, the knowledge has been used to make beautiful high quality products for outdoor life. Pathfinder focuses on survival tools. The company has been in existence for more than 10 years.
Pathfinder survival and outdoor
With over 40 years of experience, Dave Canterbury of Pathfinder (Self Reliance Outfitters) is a true outdoorsman who has used his knowledge to write guidebooks and teach in schools. In addition, they sell high-quality equipment to get other people just as excited to get out and about. The store has been around for more than 10 years, with outdoor cooking utensils, cutting tools, catching equipment, etc. being the most sold products.
Fame of the man behind Pathfinder
Dave has also shown his survival skills on well-known TV channels such as Discovery Channel and National Geographic. He starred in survival-based shows such as Dirty Rotten Survival, Dual Survival and an episode of Shark Week - How Sharks Hunt. In addition, Dave also runs a school southeast of Ohio where he teaches the basics of survival to other people. The Pathfinder School is considered one of the best in the US. With this knowledge, you can expect these products to be made for the real survivalists.