Husky is a Czech company founded in 1997 to produce and market camping equipment, backpacks for tourists and sportswear. From the beginning Husky has focused on originality and quality of the products. They do this by using high-quality materials and keeping the development and design of Husky outdoor camping gear in their own hands.
The 45 liter mountaineering backpack is a bag that is really suitable for various activities. For people who like to go into the mountains but certainly also for all hikers among us. The bag is equipped with all conveniences and therefore an ideal partner!
The 45 liter mountaineering backpack is a bag that is really suitable for various activities. Really suitable for people who like to go into the mountains but certainly also for all hikers among us. The bag is equipped with all conveniences and therefore an ideal partner!
This 38 liter backpack is a real classic that is suitable for everything. He is equipped with all the comforts to be able to see him as an ideal partner for a trip to the mountains.
A set of walking sticks from Husky made of aluminum and an EVA handle. The Walking Stick is a three-piece telescopic walking stick that is very compact to store.
One of Husky's lightest 2-Person Tents is the Sawaj Ultra 2. A tent that is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts who like to go away for a night on a bike or motorcycle or go on a hiking trip with a backpack.