- Elmi

The week we got back a lot of wonderful things, and bars are within. It's always a party at the brand new collection of Loeffler to get it. In the meantime, the wielrenshirts, wielrenbroeken and bibshorts and a great outdoorbroek the actieveling for men and women online! Take a look at all the wonderful things in here.
Maybe it's a woman thing, but I can be really, really happy about all those things, and I have a tendency to have a copy for myself to keep. But that may not always be here don't you. Last year, I put out a collection of wielrenshorts a hotbond short, for myself, individually, and, of course, is a wielrenshirt. It's making the choice of what size it is, in my case, it is often difficult, and I am of short stature, and have a larger size. Often, the clothing is much too small or in a tent if I have to choose one bigger size. Very frustrating! However, a comparison of the sizes of the size chart by Loeffler and chose me to be the right size. It's worth to have your team well, and to see which size would fit best. Because no two bodies are the same. I have to say, after the initial success of the pants and the t-shirt actually fit-I'm really in my element, it's a really nice dress. For the pants, it is used in a very nice pad, and because of the hotbond no annoying seams to cause discomfort can take care of. I go there a day away!!!
That will make the experience that we have for the new summer collection, a selection from the range of Loeffler have made. Functional clothing in fashion-forward colors. We do, however, love the colour, the type that are usually for them. In addition to that, the color is beautiful, it is functional, because you can do a lot better than if you are black, or grey, and that is the safety and security of your event as well!
For the lord, we will have shirts and chosen to modify the colorization of black-and-green, black-and-orange, and black-and-blue.
The ladies are celebrating a blue-and-white is the dominant one.
And that's because not everybody does it to the championships, but there are also people who simply want to move on to a different way of working we decided to have a couple of new outdoorbroeken, of which material and which is so dry, and comfortable to feel. In black for men (okay, still black, but it works well with a more colorful shirt, isn't it?) in a beautiful shade of blue for the girls.
With this type of clothing by Loeffler bowl is guaranteed to make you a satisfied and relaxed feel to be back home!
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