- Elmi

In addition to the well-known terms-of-backpacking, hiking, and trailrunnen, you have a new version, which is the united states of America has come to blow over. A combination of trail running, hiking, and backpacking. Also known as the “marriage of trail running and light-weight camping” is mentioned.
This form of travel allows you to in a very short period of time and larger distances can be bridged, and also a great challenge due to the rucksack on your back, with your trail running does not have to have it. This is also called an Ultralight backpack or a Cold, Soaking called. Are you trying to use this form as possible and to be as light as possible, materials to take with you so you can be sure of during the run to minimize the burden of the bag.
This is fastpacking, is a great way to get in shape is to work through the use of lightweight materials, you won't have the weight of a full backpack on your back such as with backpacking, but you might for several days on the road, and in the evening enjoy at your tent and enjoy the nature and the environment, and get some rest, and the next day, back on the road. You can specify the same distance in a shorter amount of time, so you can be a part of the fixed stick.....
What are the things needs to be taken when it is fastpacking?
Now, there are choices to be made. For the people who are the ultimate backpackers, like us, it is always important to have everything with you on your journey, and doesn't have to be a lot of weight to carry around, but this is even more important.
A good thing to bring might be:
- A lightweight tent or Bivi
- Light weight sleeping bag
- Drink it on the go (Hydration pack only)
- Eating on the go
- A backpack to put everything in
These are the most important things on the go, you need to be as light as possible to travel because it is definitely running, you'll feel at each and every step with the weight on your back and move along. Also, walking sticks are very popular among the fastpackers.
A backpack for fastpacking, what size is useful?
A fastpacktrip of two or more nights for a 25 or 30 liter backpack is recommended, so you will be able to understand that the space is very limited. Be careful with the use of water for the road, and also the amount of space you have to maximise the use of are real and of primary importance. Also, you should consider if you are on a meal want to go to, or a little mini blowtorch wants to take home for a delicious home-cooked meals. But, in this case too, the weight is right back at work.
And then there will need to be planned for a route on the way to think is fastpacking is not very useful. Put your route in and immerse yourself in the field you want to go to war. As you prepare for your journey, and enjoy fastpacking!
Now we hope to get back on the path to make the most of this kind of relaxation and vacation!
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