The KeySmart reviewed after two years of use!

After two years of use of the Keysmart, there should also be a blog about this handy tool. We have the Keysmart sold first, and a number of times a gift for him to use. You can also not everything you have in your shop sells, take your time to use and test. You would completely deflate. But after a year on sale there was a copy which was damaged (scratch) which is normally a trader would go I out have passed.

Itself, we were very enthusiastic about the Keysmart from the beginning. It's really a tool where you the added value of the see or that you think I can't. There is no middle ground in this. This is also what we in recent years have experienced with our customers. People understood immediately the intended and were completely happy with the Keysmart, or understand little of and saw the usefulness there not and then came a Keysmart back. Fortunately, in 97% of the cases, the user reviews are very positive!

But now back to our experiences. The installation went fine two years ago. Of course we were aware of the movies which we also on our facebook page have posted and on the basis of this was the installation child's play. The number of keys is always an issue. It is an American product and these keys are a lot thinner than the European keys. The 2-8 keys is highly dependent on the thickness of the keys. I myself have not a very thick forest so I could this is fine. Three keys on one side and a thick, round, long key on the other side. In addition, I have a key ring with a small key with it that is actually also next to the long key, but because of this there later when is come, this was just easier.

The metal plates of the Keysmart still look great. Of course, the gebuikerssporen clearly present. A part of the side, the paint is gone and you can see the bare metal, but what do you want with two years of use. There is little maintenance. Occasionally, I have the screw tightened to the whole again, slightly firmer, but that is certainly all.

In short, a lot of fun over the past two years and for the time being, he remains there still. On to the next two years. The nice thing now is that the past few weeks a couple of nice additions to the Keysmart has come and of course the Rugged Keysmart. But for us, the Keysmart 2.0. The price is also last week, a piece had dropped him and that we again cheap to be able to offer to the customers.

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