- Elmi

Overboard is a brand that specializes in waterproof bags, cases and dry bags. Whether you're on the boat, your canoe, the beach or just a rainy area move, these bags are very suitable for. In addition, you can for a weekly visit to the swimming pool, the bags are of course also very good to use.
CheapOutdoor sells more Dry bags but this came along with very nice designs that we said this must. Everyone knows the normal dry bags, but if you are also to design gives these Overboard dry bags are a nice addition to the range. A big plus is also that because of the design of your bag instantly recognizable!
The black Overboard Urban Safe dry bag or the yellow version with a city that is on the bag or the pink version with butterflies is again something else than a uni drybag. At this moment we have only the Urban Safe range, perhaps more in the future. These bags are by means of the roll-top waterproof making the bag even floats
In addition, the quality of course also very important and that should also sure are. The 600D nylon-coated PVC is strong enough for the wilder adventures.
Here you will find the Overboard Urban Safe Dry bags.
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