- Elmi

Last month, we at a great media company, a conversation had about our website. One of the things that they raise, was that we have no SEA (Search Engine Advertising) friendly categories used. They meant that we, for example, a category had to eat and drink, including we the campingbestek had placed and, for example, a survivalbord. And then you think of if someone on our site is there great stuff to find anyway....but he must of course first on your site. And then you search as a customer not to eat and drink.....
Ok that was clear yes, but then you have to bake. And what is then useful to have people on site to bring out of them a beautiful choice. We have a few weeks of puzzling and slowly but surely the one and the other one is converted and adjusted.
We have clearer categories and better sub-categories. This would result in the search engines of Google more discoverable and therefore more customers to the correct pages come out.
The only downside is that google just takes to discover them, we hope that this is quickly picked up so that we get better will be visible in the search results of google and hope you as customers have a better and clearer structure to indicate in which categories you should be looking for.
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