- Elmi

Who knows it not, you are lying at night to sleep and there you have it again. A buzzing insect around your head. Or if you through sleep your partner over you jumps looking for that little creature what he or she really just heard but now can't find.
Often in the summer, everyone knows the sounds of a buzzing mosquito around your head. Or waking up in the morning with lots of small red spots that are extremely itchy. But there is a solution.
The well-known mosquito net, also known as mosquito or mosquitonet called. Excellent protection from all the hum around your ears at night, but even more against the itching the next morning. Especially in foreign countries against the malaria mosquito but also in the Netherlands you can sleep well interferes with the mosquitoes.
The nets are available in various sizes, single, double, and also the transmission grids for when you are in the summer, for example, a trip along the water you have planned can provide a solution. We had these transmission grids have to take on one of our trips to Scotland. In a wateroversteek we were all people with a backbone to where we thought where is that now. But when we have a half an hour we were this was very clear. You were completely leak stung by all the midgets. This indicates that the nets are very useful to have with you. Usually they are very small to store and thus easy to carry.
The mosquito nets hang-up is usually quickly arranged. To the grids, either loops or a metal ring with a loop which you above your bed may be to pin. The just hang you all out on your bed, so that the insects are nowhere in between. And then you can enjoy a quiet night.
Here is the link to the nets.
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