- Patrick

The backpack is a 20 liter backpack with an airflow system for your back. Because the bag is widely used with bicycles, it is very nice that this system does not hold your back directly against the bag but with a tightly tight net of your back. With this warmer weather, you will not have a full wet back on your back immediately.
The bag is made of Nylon with polyester and after a year of use, little or no wear areas are visible. On the sides you have a net on the side which is useful for stopping something like drinking a bottle. The other side has the same size pouch but with a zipper. Also handy but less useless.
In addition, you have a stretchable mesh-like part on the front, for example, where you can stop your sweater or jacket if you're afraid it's raining or getting too hot. At the top, this box is still provided with 2 closures, which sometimes stand in the way of opening the big box, but it also went again.
We are the big subject and above the smallest box most used. The small box for the phone and wallet and the big box to store everything you want to take that day. Geocaching or a 4-day trip away, he has a great time and all the bike tours are fine. For cycling, he's a little on the big side for me, but for the day trips it's a good bag. And with bicycles I would not be able to grab another bag soon, because then the net that holds your back of the bag will be a very nice solution.
Up to the next year with the DM Track 20!
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